How to Fast with Warm Lemon Water
Things You'll Need
- Filtered water
- Lemons (preferably organic)
- Powdered cayenne pepper
- Pure grade B maple syrup (preferably organic)
Check with your doctor before starting the warm lemon water fast. Do not proceed if you are pregnant or nursing. Although it is known to be a safe and many people use this cleanse to help reduce symptoms of existing medical conditions, it is best to err on the side of caution before starting the fast by getting the go ahead from your doctor.
Squeeze approximately one half lemon, 2 tsp. maple syrup and a pinch of powdered cayenne pepper (approximately 1/10 tsp.) into a 10 oz. glass of warm filtered water. Stir thoroughly and drink.
Repeat the process several times a day. You should consume at least six 10 oz. glasses of lemon, syrup and cayenne mixture throughout the day. Make sure to space the consumption of the liquid evenly throughout the day since it will be your only source of nutrition while on the warm water lemon fast. You can, however, drink as much water as you want.
Maintain the warm lemon water fast for a minimum of 10 days. Some people who are experienced with this type of fast remain on it for 30 days. However, if this is your first time, 10 days is enough for you to see a significant improvement in your health and a reduction in weight.
End the fast slowly. On day 11, it is not recommended that you go to a local restaurant and eat everything you see. That will undo all you have accomplished over the past 10 days and your digestive system is not ready for such large quantities of food. On first day after fast, consume a lot of liquid such as water juices. On the second day after the lemon water fast, introduce warm broths. Wait until the third day before introducing fruits, vegetables and salads. Make sure to keep it light and allow your body to acclimate.