How to Lose the Last 15 Pounds on a Weight Loss Program
Be strict with your calorie intake. When trying to lose those last fifteen pounds, it is important to keep track of every calorie you put in your body. Measure and weigh your food to ensure you are staying within your allotted calorie range. Saving the last few bites on your plate and stopping yourself from nibbling while you make dinner can help you cut back on as many as several hundred calories a day, which can total up to a pound lost in just a week.
Don't skip meals. It's important be strict with your calorie intake, but never skip meals. Skipping meals not only lowers your metabolism, but can also lead to overeating if you end up waiting too long. Get in the habit of eating three meals a day and two healthy snacks. Put yourself on a schedule so that you are eating every three to four hours. In doing so, your energy levels will increase, as will the rate in which you burn off calories.
Cut down on your sodium. Too much sodium in your diet causes bloat, which ultimately leads to weight gain. The American Heart Association suggests eating less than 2,300 mg. of sodium per day. Avoid adding salt to dishes you prepare and reduce the amount of processed and packaged foods you purchase. A low-sodium diet does not have to be bland. Be creative with herbs and seasonings and you will notice the scale start to budge again in the right direction.
Push yourself to the next level. When it comes to your workouts, it's time to change it up and step out of your comfort zone. Increasing the intensity of your workout does not mean adding more time. An effective way to burn fat without spending hours at the gym is through interval training. Interval training adds bursts of intensity to your current workout, making it perfect for every fitness level. If your workout routine consists of a 30-minute walk, add a steep incline or increase your speed for two minutes at a time. Return to your normal pace for a few minutes before starting your next interval. These brief bursts will boost the amount of calories burned during your workout and throughout the day, helping to shed those last 15 pounds.