Nintendo Wii & Weight Loss
Wii Fit
Wii Fit is a bundle accessory specifically designed to keep people healthy. Target areas include balance, flexibility and weight loss. The prominent feature is the balance board, which doubles as a scale. In addition to providing exercise-oriented games, Wii Fit helps users to get in shape by creating personal charts that track user progression on a daily basis. Users can also learn their Wii Fit age and keep track of body mass index, thus promoting an incentive to continue the program. Wii Fit provides a variety of programs such as yoga, aerobics and strength training. For a person that is primarily focused on weight loss, yoga and strength training should take a backseat to the aerobics-based games. Because cardio is a key element to losing weight, optimal results will come from games that promise increased heart rate and higher activity levels
Wii Exercise Games
The Wii's marketability as a game console that promotes elevated activity levels has made it an attractive prospect for celebrity fitness trainers. Those in the mood for a little more than a simple exercise DVD can now buy Wii exercise games from Jillian Michaels, Daisy Fuentes, Gold's Gym and The Biggest Loser. Users can choose from a variety of workouts from pilates to intense cardio.
EA Sports Active for Wii
EA Sports has jumped on the Wii bandwagon with a customizable Active workout program. This game/accessory package provides extras like resistance bands and a movement-tracking leg band. Players are provided with a virtual trainer and can track their fitness progression with a built-in journal.
Expert Opinion
The promise of fitness and weight loss from a gaming console is one that has stirred up some skepticism. However, research has indicated that the Wii does in fact provide benefits. Tim Cable, a researcher at John Moores University in Liverpool has indicated that interaction with the console does increase heart rate and can help to burn a significant amount of calories. Other experts have chimed in with supporting statements, though many say that the Wii activities work best as a supplement to a regular exercise program. They also claim that regular weight loss stipulations, such as healthy eating and portion control, still apply.