Glycemic Control & Weight Loss
How to Lose Weight Using the Glycemic Index
The glycemic index is a relatively new system of rating foods based on how rapidly they release sugar into the blood system. Proponents of the glycemic index believe that eating a low glycemic index diet is the best way to achieve permanent, healthy weight loss.
To understand how to lose weight using the glycemic index, it's important to understand a few things about blood sugar. When blood sugar gets too low, an individual will feel hunger. If blood sugar because too elevated, the pancreas secretes insulin, which lowers blood sugar, usually by turning it into stored fat. What this means is that individuals want to maintain a constant blood sugar level to avoid feeling excessively hungry or gaining weight.
Foods low on the glycemic index release sugar into the bloodstream slowly, and have little effect on blood sugar levels. However, foods high on the glycemic raise blood sugar levels rapidly and provide only short-term, temporary energy. To lose weight using the glycemic index, individuals must follow a low glycemic index diet. All foods are rated from 0 to 100 on the glycemic index, with pure glucose being assigned a 100 rating. The lower the food's rating, the better. Foods with a high glycemic rating that should be avoided by those hoping to lose weight are: soft drinks, ice cream, white bread, watermelon, candy bars, potatoes, popcorn and rice, among others. "Safe" foods with low glycemic index values are: soy beans, lentils, milk, apples, grapefruit, pizza and spaghetti.
So why do nutritionists believe that a low glycemic index diet works for weight loss? The answer is simple. Foods with a low glycemic value help maintain constant blood sugar levels because sugar is released slowly into the bloodstream. The body works most effectively when blood sugar levels are kept constant. With constant blood levels, the body is able to maintain constant energy levels and individuals feel full longer, leading to less overeating and decreased insulin secretion. Generally speaking, foods high in sugar and simple carbohydrates tend to have a higher glycemic index rating, while foods with a low sugar content tend to have a lower glycemic index rating. A comprehensive list of food ratings according to the glycemic index can be found at:
Researchers have found that following a low glycemic index diet is particularly helpful for weight loss in individuals who release higher levels of insulin because it helps keep insulin secretion under control.