How to Lose Over 200 Pounds
Things You'll Need
- Health care provider
- The Appetite Awareness Workbook
Visit your health care provider. When you are severely overweight, your doctor is likely the person most equipped to help you set realistic goals for yourself. Major lifestyle changes and significant weight loss will have serious effects on your body. Working with your doctor to prepare for these changes will make the task of losing weight less stressful; it will also help you avoid compromising your health.
Prepare yourself for a life style change. Mental preparation is a very important part of significant weight loss. Making the decision to lose 200 pounds requires you to take on a view of food and exercise that you have likely never had before. Eating comfort foods or eating just because you are bored must stop. Developing a healthy relationship with food can be an overwhelming task. However, there are a variety of resources available to you. An excellent resource for healthy living is the Appetite Awareness Workbook by Linda W. Craighead. Your doctor may have additional resources.
Make dietary changes. The majority of your initial weight loss will come from dietary changes. The easiest initial changes are reducing portions and cutting unnecessary calories. If you usually eat 2 bagels with cream cheese in the morning, have one instead and swap your cream cheese for hummus. Replace your juices, sodas and alcoholic beverages with water. As you being to lose weight you will need to make additional dietary changes. Well-balanced meals with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains with less meat and fats should be your ultimate goal.
Start moving. When you are severely overweight the type of exercise and the amount of time you exercise is limited. Know your limits (your consultation with your doctor should include establishing these limits). Naturally, your limits will change as the weight starts to come off. When this happens, you should increase your activity level and continue to challenge yourself. Your first exercise sessions might include walking or throwing a ball for 10 minutes. With daily activity, you'll be jogging before you know it.