Help With Losing Facial Fat
Noninvasive Ways
There are several ways to reduce facial fat, whether it be chubby cheeks or overall puffiness.
Simply decreasing the amount of salt and alcohol in your daily diet can help reduce facial puffiness. Drink at least eight cups of water daily to minimize fluid retention. Improve your overall diet by reducing processed foods, carbohydrates, sugar and fat and increasing fruits, vegetables and fiber. With proper diet and exercise, fat will decrease, not only in your body, but also in your face. There are also exercises you can do. For the forehead, bring eyebrows down as far as you can, then lift them as far as you can; do it again, but then wrinkle your nose up as far as possible at the same time. Repeat these exercises.
For the neck, tilt your head backward and forward while creating a chewing movement; tilt your head back, and purse your lips as though you are trying to kiss the ceiling; tilt your head back while opening your lips and sticking out your tongue as though you are trying to touch your chin with your tongue. Repeat these exercises.
For fat around the lips, purse your lips together and lift them toward your nose, and keep them there; slightly part lips, and curl lips outward. Repeat.
For cheeks, smile with your lips closed, and suck in your cheeks; smile as widely as possible, and with lips closed try to turn the corners up pushing toward your ears. Repeat.
These exercises must be done repeatedly, at least five repetitions and over a long period of time. Results may vary.
Invasive Treatment
If exercises do not work or do not achieve the results you wanted, you may want to consider cosmetic surgery. Depending on your needs and how much you are willing to spend, there is likely a procedure to fit your needs.
Buccal fat removal, or cheek-reduction surgery, removes fat deposits in the cheeks, creating a thinner, leaner face. This procedure can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $5,000 and takes about one hour to perform.
Eyelid Surgery removes fat, excess skin and muscle from around the eyes and can be done on the upper and/or lower eyelids. The average cost of this procedure is approximately $2,500. This procedure can take from one to three hours, depending on the number of lids to be treated.
A facelift can remove excess fat and skin from the face. Costing on average almost $6,000, it takes approximately two to three hours. This procedure often coincides with a neck lift, which removes excess skin and fat from the neck area. The cost and surgery time would increase according to the procedures being performed.