The Best iPhone Weight Loss App
Restaurant Nutrition App
Because of the pace of everyday life, people often eat fast food. The average consumer often doesn't know fat content of the food, and that can lead to weight gain. The Restaurant Nutrition App changes that.
Restaurants are listed with menu choices. Food is itemized and the app contains nutritional information and ingredients. It will help you make healthier choices for weight control. Calorie Tracker
Many diets require counting calories. Keeping track can be difficult due to varying quantities or improper labeling. The calorie tracker solves the problem. You need only input correct height and weight.
The calorie tracker is easy to use. The food and quantity are typed in to find the calorie count for each. All food consumed during the day is calculated, with exercise taken into consideration. This will give the end result, whether more calories were taken in or burned. It also features a weight tracker that helps the individual work toward his goal.
Good Food Near You App
For those watching their weight but have to be on the road, or for those on vacation, it can be difficult. It's hard to know which restaurants offer healthy food. The Good Food Near You app can solve the problem.
By tracking your location through the GPS device, it can suggest multiple eateries in a particular location and the distance from your current location. Menu items are listed along with their nutritional information, including calories, fat and carbohydrate content. You can also have them listed according to specific dietary needs.