How to Reduce Bloating & Weight Loss
Look out for food allergies. Type B food allergies can occur anywhere between an hour and three days after eating certain foods. Common symptoms of type B food allergies include weight gain and bloating, water retention, headaches, fatigue, and even aching joints. If you experience two or more of these symptoms after eating, you may be suffering from food allergies or intolerance. Common culprits are dairy products and gluten. There is a blood test for type B food allergies that will help you establish what type of foods your body needs to take a break from.
Take stock of your prescription medication. Many drugs including contraceptives, antidepressants, and steroids can cause an increase in appetite as well as bloating and weight gain. Talk to your doctor about your weight loss goals and ask about available alternatives that do not cause weight gain and bloating. And never stop taking your prescription medication without your doctor's supervision.
Make sure you have regular bowel movements. Normally, a person should have at least one bowel movement a day. If this isn't the case, you may be suffering from constipation. If you don't have regular bowel movements, increase your intake of dietary fibers found in whole grains, fruits, and legumes. A tablespoon of ground flax seed mixed into a little bit of juice before bedtime increases stool bulk and will help maintain bowel regularity. Drinking at least four glasses of water to maintain proper hydration will also help.
Don't deprive yourself of food. This can create nutritional deficiencies, which will aggravate bloating. When you deprive your body of calories and vital nutrients it goes into starvation mode. This affects metabolism function and compromises the digestive process. Make sure you are eating a balanced diet that includes protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Also, supplement your diet with a daily multivitamin to make sure you are getting an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals.
Rule out yeast overgrowth. An overgrowth of the yeast candida albicans can be the culprit of bloating and difficulty loosing weight. Common symptoms of candida overgrowth are bloating, sugar cravings, excessive gas, migraines, fatigue and difficulty concentrating. This could be caused by steroid and contraceptive use as well as the overuse of antibiotics, which compromises your immune response. A stool test will help you determine if you have a problem with yeast overgrowth.