Volumetrics Diet Food Plan
The Concept
This diet focuses on the foods that can be eaten rather than those that cannot, and it is based upon sound nutritional advice that has been accepted widely by many health professionals. The Volumetrics Eating Plan strategy emphasizes that eating fewer calories is the only proven way to lose weight, and it stresses that managing calories requires that a good balance of nutrients and foods be consumed. It shows its users how to fit their favorite foods into the diet, while reinforcing positive eating and exercise patterns that can be sustained for a lifetime.
The Basics
There are four basics involved in this diet plan: Foods that are low in energy density need to be consumed; foods that are high in fiber need to be consumed; adequate amounts of lean and healthy protein need to be consumed; finally, the intake of fat also needs to be reduced (See References 2).
Smart Choices
The Volumetrics plan operates on making smart choices with the foods that are consumed. By choosing lower fat, higher protein, lower carbohydrate foods, more food can be consumed without the expense of extra calories. By choosing chicken broth rather than cream base for a soup, for example, more soup can be consumed to achieve a fuller feeling, without more calories being consumed in the process.