How to Measure for Weight Loss
Things You'll Need
- Soft tape measure
Measuring a few choice areas can tell a lot.
Start with your waist. While standing, take the tape measure to find your actual waist size. This is the place where your waistband fits. Don't suck in your stomach or pull on the tape. The number may be daunting, but realize that clothing companies may list the size as smaller than you actually are. Buying clothes that fit you properly, rather than those that make you feel better mentally, is important to overall health. Most people go for tighter when it comes to a waist size. But doing so leads to extra pressure against hard-working organs. Clothes that are too tight at the waist can also impair digestion. Mark down the number on your notepad with the date. Set your next waist measurement for two weeks.
Men and women gain weight in different ways in the lower body. When weight starts to come off and muscles start to firm up, the legs for men and the hips for women are the next best places to measure. For men, measure one thigh around the middle. As with the waist, don't pull on the tape measure. For women, wrap the tape measure around your hips. Women's hips tend to hold more excess weight when measuring for weight loss. Measuring both together works best. Men just need to measure one thigh.
Measuring the neck is a good upper-body measurement for men, whereas breast measurement is a good source of upper body weight loss for women. Men should not assume that their shirt neck size is their actual size. Measure around the base of the neck in a relaxed standing position. A shirt that is slightly tight around the neck can impair blood circulation. When measuring for women around the breast, measure standing up straight without thrusting out your breasts. A simple, loose measurement around the middle will suffice. Like the above steps, make note of the sizes, and measure again in a few weeks.