How to Get a Flat Stomach Naturally
Cope with stress. Cortisol is a stress hormone that helps your body deal with stressful events and anxiety. Unfortunately, too much cortisol contributes to a larger stomach. To slow the production of cortisol and reduce belly weight, learn how to cope with stress.
Take a supplement to fight bloating. A low-fiber diet causes a host of digestive problems such as bloating and constipation. Chronic bloating can result in a larger stomach. Take a fiber supplement to promote bowel activity and flatten the stomach, or consider a colon cleanse.
Assess your water intake. Drink eight glasses of water a day to remedy water weight and flatten your stomach. High sodium foods and lack of water prompts water retention and extra weight in the stomach and lower extremities.
Watch your diet. Overeating and unhealthy eating also plays a major role in stomach weight. Get rid of extra weight by choosing healthier foods and adopting better eating habits. Reduce your carb, calorie and sugar intake, and watch your intake of fatty foods.
Exercise and tone the stomach. Cardio exercises such as aerobics, jogging and biking burn fat and calories. To flatten and tone the stomach, include exercises that work and strengthen the core muscles--leg lifts, side crunches, pilates and other ab exercises.