How to Get Rid of Excess Fat Under Your Neck
Start getting regular cardiovascular exercise at least few times a week and preferably every day. In order to burn fat, your body needs to remain active. You don't need to buy any fancy equipment or join an expensive gym. Jogging, bike riding, inline skating, or brisk walking are excellent ways to stay active and fit. In addition to losing fat, you'll help maintain a healthy, strong body resistant to disease.
Start eating a healthier diet and be consistent. The key is not to starve yourself or eliminate entire food groups like they do in all the fad diets. Enjoy a healthy balance of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Stay away from alcohol, caffeine, fatty and sugary foods. Drink a ton of water, as this will simultaneously help you feel full and flush out the toxins from your body.
Allow yourself a break from your healthy diet and exercise routine every now and then. Indulge in a bowl of ice cream, some cheesy fries, or a round of beers. Just don't do it often. Reserve your indulgences for special occasions and think of it more as a reward than a privilege. This will help you stay motivated and encourage you to stay on that healthy kick.
Start doing some neck exercises. A good exercise for neck muscles is to extend your neck as high as it will go, pause, and return to the normal comfortable position. Do ten reps twice a day consistently and you'll notice the muscles around your neck becoming firmer.