What to Eat Before Exercising If You Are Trying to Lose Weight?
What to Eat
Eating a light snack before exercising gives you that extra energy boost your body needs to exercise and get the most from your workout, thereby burning more calories. Try to stick with food that is high in carbohydrates and low in fat and fiber. In addition to giving you energy, the carbohydrates will provide your body with the fuel it needs to burn more fat during your workout.
Examples of good snacks are a small bagel with jelly and a small glass of juice, a banana and a cup of low-fat yogurt, a small bowl of cereal with milk, fresh fruit, a cup of low-fat vegetable soup or a sports drink. You should also consume lots of fluid before and during your workout to ensure that your body stays hydrated.
When to Eat
Try to eat any large meals two to four hours before you work out. This will allow your body to process the food before you start rigorous activity. The snacks mentioned above can be eaten before heading to gym for an extra energy boost. You should also drink approximately 10 oz. of water directly before you start exercising.
How Much to Eat
The meal preceding your workout (breakfast, lunch or dinner; not your pre-workout snack) should consist of 400 to 800 calories; this will ensure that your body has the correct amount of food without weighing you down. Try to stick with carbohydrates and foods that contain a fair amount of protein so that your body will have enough fuel for the workout.