Non-Invasive Weight Loss Procedures
This therapy, as reported by Elle Magazine, uses subzero temperatures to help burn fat. Developed by the Harvard Medical School when they discovered fat cells were sensitive to cold, it involves intense and localized freezing of the skin. This involves putting a suction cup like device being placed on the skin which extracts body heat and causes freezing. This freezing lasts long enough to damage fat cells, but not long enough to damage the skin. The fat cells are damaged and eventually die, wither, and end up getting metabolized by the lymph system. This therapy is under investigation by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and is currently available only in Europe. Elle reports that no side effects have yet been observed, and that the process is relatively painless, taking around an hour.
Laser Therapy
Lasers are now used to treat obesity and speed weight loss, via a machine called the zarona. The treatment, which takes place over a two-week period, targets the areas that need to lose fat and burns holes in the fat cells. This causes the fat cell to die and pass through the body during normal metabolic processes. CBS 2 Chicago reports that this therapy is a harmless, painless outpatient procedure. No bruising or swelling should occur.
Laser therapy is not a "silver bullet," however. As a patient, you should also maintain a health routine of exercise and proper diet after surgery is complete. This will help metabolize fat quicker and make sure the weight stays off.
The StomaphyX procedure is intended for those who have had a gastric bypass surgery yet have begun to regain weight. This method has been approved of by the FDA. Sometimes after gastric bypass surgery, the reduced stomach pouch and stomach outlet will stretch and expand. This procedure helps repair that problem. This procedure does require you to be anesthetized. The doctor will then move the device through your mouth, throat, and into your stomach pouch. This machine will be passed in using a long, thin, plastic tube. A small light and camera will help the doctor pinpoint the problem. Then, the device will suck sections of the stomach tissue together and staple them. This will decrease the size of your stomach pouch and help avoid further weight gain.