Weight Loss With Hot Pepper
Eating Hot Peppers
Jalapeño and cayenne peppers contain the chemical capsaicin, which gives them their heat. This chemical causes the body to release a large amount of stress hormones. This will raise your metabolism which in turn will help you to burn more calories. Capsaicin has no odor and no taste. This chemical is concentrated mostly in the seeds and around the ribs of the pepper, but it can be found throughout the entire pepper.
Eating hot peppers will also reduce your craving for food. Capsaicin increases the blood flow in the intestines. It also increases the contractions of the intestinal walls. This act seems to keep the intestines from communicating hunger signals to the brain. Capsaicin also simply will cause you to feel full. Peppers are also low in calories.
Diets with Pepper
Cayenne pepper is commonly found in flush diets. A popular flush diet involves drinking a mixture of water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. According to Medill.edu, drinking this mixture for a week or two will clean out your body which will cause you to lose a lot of excess weight.
Another popular pepper diet is called the chili pepper diet. This diet includes a 21-day meal plan that contains low-fat foods as well as a variety of peppers.
Other Health Benefits
According to AtoZFitness.com, peppers are full of antioxidants which promote good health. Peppers also contain lycopene, which has a reputation for preventing various forms of cancer including prostate cancer, cancer of the bladder and cervical cancer. Beta-cryptoxanthin is also found in red peppers. This carotenoid (a powerful antioxidant) is currently being researched because of the possibility that it helps to prevent lung cancer caused by secondhand smoke. The vitamin K in pepper will reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen bones. Peppers also contain a decent amount of fiber.