Natural Fat Burning Home Remedies
Vitamins and Minerals to Help You Shed Pounds
Obviously nutrition is important to maintaining a healthy weight, but there are some specific vitamins that assist your body's natural metabolism and can make it easier to lose weight.
The first is vitamin D. Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients for all-around good health. Your body catalyzes it whenever your skin is exposed to sunshine. With the rise in skin cancer fears, few people get enough vitamin D from sun exposure alone.
Scientists have found a link between successful weight loss and good vitamin D levels. People with good levels of vitamin D lose weight more easily when they cut back on calories. People with low vitamin D levels don't much benefit from dieting. If you want to make it easier to slim down, make sure you get enough vitamin D. The best food sources are eggs, fish, and cod liver oil. Vitamin D supplements will also do the trick; just make sure you choose a supplement with vitamin D3 rather than D2. It's a more natural form and is much safer and easier to absorb.
In addition to vitamin D, the B complex of vitamins can play an important role in metabolism and weight loss. B vitamins help to regulate your metabolism. They fight fatigue and depression, boost energy, and help reduce your physiological responses to stress. These effects can all make it easier to stick to your weight loss plan.
You also want to be certain you are getting enough calcium. Studies show that adequate calcium intake helps enhance your weight loss efforts, especially if you are calcium deficient. Dairy products and dark green vegetables are the best dietary sources of calcium. Consider taking a supplement, as well, if you don't think you're getting enough through your food.
Weight Loss and Fiber
Fiber is immensely helpful when you're trying to lose weight. Getting enough fiber helps you to feel full for longer, and that means you'll eat less. Fiber also helps improve your digestion, and better digestion can mean that you feel better and more energized. That makes it easier to get out and exercise.
Men need between 30 and 38 grams of fiber a day and women need between 21 and 25 grams. Most people don't even come close. Add beans, nuts, and seeds to your diet to give your fiber intake a boost.
Fiber supplements are also good. If you don't eat much fiber, aim to increase your daily intake by 2 to 3 grams each week. By increasing your fiber intake gradually, you'll avoid discomfort from changes in your digestion that occur naturally when you eat more fiber.
Fat-Burning Herbs
There are many herbal remedies on the market that claim to help you lose weight. Many of them have questionable evidence to back them up and some may be harmful. If you are considering a specific herbal supplement to support your weight loss efforts, it's a good idea to discuss the product with your doctor first. If you choose to proceed without a doctor's advice, pay attention to how you feel while taking the supplement. If you notice any adverse effect, then stop using it.
Some herbs are known to be safe and may help with weight loss. One of the best is curcumin. This is a compound found in turmeric. It may help you to lose weight and to reduce your total body fat. It's especially good because it also supports heart health and helps to regulate your blood sugar levels.
Green tea is another safe herb that can help you lose weight. It works by blocking the production of fat in the body. Like curcumin, it provides benefits to your heart as well.
A Good Night's Rest
Good nutrition and the right supplements are important, but don't overlook the value of getting enough sleep. Getting adequate rest helps your body to regulate your hormone levels and that can make a big difference in how easy or difficult it is to lose weight.
If you don't get enough sleep, the levels of hormones that help you feel satisfied after you eat drop. That means you're likely to eat more and gain weight. Getting enough sleep helps you eat less and is a great weight loss aid. Even if you're plagued by a busy schedule, make sure you get at least seven hours of sleep a night if you want to make weight loss easier.