How to Eat More Meals Daily to Lose Weight
Things You'll Need
- Calorie counter
- Menu planning diary
Spend a week calculating your average daily caloric intake using a calorie counter like the one provided in the resource section below.
Plan your desired daily calorie budget, aiming to eat 100 to 200 fewer calories per day than you do now. You will find that by eating regularly, you will experience fewer cravings and hunger pangs than on a diet of three meals per day.
Plan small (200-250 calories) meals for breakfast, late morning, noon, mid afternoon, late afternoon and evening. As a rule, breakfast should be the largest meal and evening should be the smallest.
When planning your meals, make the most of the calories you allow yourself. Two hundred calories really isn't that much. Eat lots of vegetables and legumes, as both have a high nutrient-to-calorie ratio. Avoid processed sugars and sweets, as both have a very low nutrient-to-calorie ratio.
Prepare as many meals as you can ahead of time, packing them in individual bags or boxes for the next day. This will help you greatly when it comes to portion control.
Track your progress in a journal. Write down your total calorie consumption, how you feel during the day, and which meals you liked best. Weigh yourself once a week and track that in your journal, too.