Tummy Tuck Diet
Before Abdominoplasty
Patients who undergo a tummy tuck do so when diet and exercise fail to flatten the abdomen. Excess skin after an extreme weight loss is also addressed in this cosmetic procedure. You should attempt to lose excess weight before the surgery and be within a few pounds of your ideal weight. Losing more weight after the surgery may result in less than positive results.
Use a well-balanced diet before considering a tummy tuck to lose your excess belly fat. Your diet should contain protein from lean sources, complex carbohydrates from vegetables and whole grains, and healthy sources of fat such as fish oil, canola oil and olive oil. Monitor your caloric intake and eliminate about 500 calories a day to lose about a pound per week.
Use diet and exercise to lose most of the weight in your stomach area before you schedule a visit with a cosmetic surgeon. Diet and exercise should bring you most of the way to your goal for a flat stomach.
Avoid Weight Gain
After a tummy tuck procedure, a healthy diet will help you to recover and avoid weight gain. To maintain your new look, you will have to diet and exercise. Keep up with the well-balanced diet you used before your procedure. A healthy lifestyle that includes exercise and a good diet will keep your weight down and avoid ruining your tummy tuck.
A tummy tuck is an expensive procedure. Most patients are very happy with the results of the procedure and work to maintain their new appearance. The procedure is wasted if you do not take steps to monitor your diet and weight to ensure that you keep your new figure.
Eat a diet that is natural and avoids processed foods and refined sugars. Avoid eating trans fats and saturated fats as much as possible. Lean sources of protein include fish, skinless poultry and soy products. Choose complex carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits. Monitor your caloric intake and make sure you do not exceed amounts that are necessary to maintain your current weight. Overeating will result in a weight gain after your tummy tuck procedure.