Easiest Ways to Lose Belly Fat
Detox the Body
One of the most effective and easiest ways to lose belly fat is to start by detoxing the body of impurities. By eliminating body toxins, it can be easier to lose excess weight around the waist when the intestinal track is purified and clean. There are many detox programs available in health food stores that include herbs to rid the body of toxic chemicals from food, drugs and the environment that may restore intestinal health.
Healthy Diet
Consuming a healthy diet is one of the most effective ways to help lose belly fat. Eliminating unhealthy foods from the diet such as high calorie, fat laden items can be essential in helping the body to increase its metabolism, which in turnj will help in weight reduction. Eat a balanced diet of lean proteins and vegetables of adequate, but less calories than you previously consumed. Lessen complex carbohydrates such as breads, crackers and cereals. Eat less sugar, salt and prepared foods. Drink plenty of water--at least 8 to 10 glasses each day or more. Increased physical activity or heat will require more water consumption and it may be necessary to supplement the water with electrolytes.
Eat Frequently
Rather than eating three large meals each day, try eating smaller, more frequent meals around 4 to 6 times per day. Eating balanced smaller meals and snacks will fuel the body so that it can function better and burn fat more easily.
Exercises such as yoga are ideal for stress reduction, relaxation and strength training. There are also cardio benefits to many yoga practices, and you can also do Pilates and other stretching routines. Cardio routines such as walking, running, dancing and sports activities 4 to 5 times each week, in combination with weight training 2 to 3 times weekly can be very effective in losing belly fat. Leg exercises are also very beneficial for abdominal muscles. The martial arts are another way to learn to protect yourself while also conditioning the body.
Reduce Stress and Get Enough Sleep
Stress can cause an increase in cortisol so that the liver releases excess sugar that can cause unnecessary hunger. Adequate sleep is necessary so that the body has time to repair itself and adjust its metabolic rates properly. Stress and inadequate sleep are factors related to emotional eating which causes weight gain and belly fat.
Health Conditions
There may be an underlying health condition that is causing belly fat, such as a blocked colon, diabetes, heart disease or hormonal imbalances or hypercortisolism (a hormone disorder that causes high levels of cortisol, a hormone secreted by the adrenal gland in response to stress). Certain prescription drugs can also contribute to excessive belly fat. See a health care practitioner for a checkup to ensure that there are no life-threatening conditions present when you are considering ways to lose belly fat.