How Much Weight Do I Need to Lose to Be Healthy?
Using Weight
To figure out how much weight you need to lose to be healthier, you could use a body mass index chart. Not every "body" is the same; BMI provides you with a range of what healthy weights are for your height. Finding your BMI will show you how much weight you need to lose to be in the healthy weight range for your height.
BMI is found by dividing your weight in pounds (180 pounds) by your height in inches squared
(5 feet = 60 inches, 60 x 60= 3600, 180/3600= .05) then multiplying by 703 (.05 x 703 = 35.15 BMI). You can also just use an easy BMI calculator or chart found online.A healthy BMI is 19 to 25; however, the controversy surrounding BMI is the lack of accounting for muscle mass weight. Muscle weighs more than fat. If you work out regularly and have more lean muscle mass, BMI is not the best way for you to determine your healthy weight.
Using Inches
Where you carry weight on your body is as important to consider as the number on the scale. When it comes to health, losing weight around your midsection reduces your risk of developing health problems, according to the National Institutes of Health. Because BMI doesn't take into consideration muscle weight and location of extra weight on your body, BMI isn't always accurate. Doctors are turning to waist measurement when determining how much weight a patient should lose to be healthy. For women, your waist measurement should be less than 35 inches; men should be less than 40 inches. It's important to remember, your waist is above your hips---measure around the middle of your abdomen.
Measuring your waist will help you determine how many inches you need to lose to be healthy.
Being Healthy
A healthy weight is the weight you feel the best at both physically and mentally. You will know once you've reached it. If you change your lifestyle and adopt healthy habits you will have more energy and feel more confident. Changing your lifestyle is the easiest way to allow your body to naturally determine how much weight you need to lose to be healthy. Start out simple---get more exercise---whatever physical activity you enjoy--do it for at least 30 minutes five days a week. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, at least 10 servings a day. Eat smaller meals five to six times a day. Reduce your intake of fried, sugary and processed foods. Making these changes will improve your overall health and help you reach your ideal weight.
Consult your physician before starting any new exercises or diets. Your physician or a certified nutritionist can also you determine how much weight to lose to be a healthier you.