How to Get Rid of the Deep Layer of Fat Over Abs
Beneath all of that excess fat is a six-pack waiting to come to the surface, but until the layer of fat covering the six-pack is gone, no one will ever see it. Getting rid of the layer of excess abdominal fat is not impossible; it just takes consistent, focused effort.
Engage in fat-burning aerobic exercise. By engaging in aerobic exercise, the body begins to burn the fat stored on the body. It's not necessary to run a marathon, but getting your heart rate into the fat-burning zone definitely helps.
To find your targeted fat-burning zone, take 220 and subtract your age. Then multiply that number by .75. The longer you are able to sustain your fat burning zone heart rate, the more fat from your abdomen you can burn.
Strengthen the core abdominal muscles. Exercises such as crunches (for the upper abdomen) and leg lifts (for the lower abdomen) help to strengthen the muscles. Keep in mind that muscles burn more calories than fat, so the better your muscle tone, the quicker the fat will burn away.
Modify your eating habits. Cut back on fats, sugars and carbohydrates while increasing your intake of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. Too many foods such as pasta, rice and breads are known to deposit extra fat around the mid-section; therefore, modifying your diet in addition to implementing exercise will make a big difference to your waistline.
Eat several small meals a day. To keep your body burning that extra abdominal fat, you have to raise your metabolism. Exercise is one way to give the metabolism a boost, but eating right is also important. If the body has a steady source of fuel, it has just what it needs to maintain a steady level of energy. Eating three small meals along and two healthful snacks evenly spaced throughout the day is recommended for optimal fat burning.
Drink plenty of water. Sometimes a glass of water instead of a Twinkie is what your body craves. In addition to staving off symptoms of dehydration, drinking water helps the belly to feel full and can help to prevent overeating.
Track your results. There is nothing more motivating than to see inches of fat disappear from around your abdomen.