How to Reduce Belly Fat in Premenopausal Women
Things You'll Need
- Yoga mat or pillow
- Walking shoes
- Notebook
- Pencil
- Music player
- Computer
How to Reduce Belly Fat in Premenopausal Women
Find a quiet place to meditate. Spread out the yoga mat. If a yoga mat is not available, use a pillow or a comfortable chair. Turn on the music player with soft music or enjoy the silence for at least five minutes; longer if possible.
Practice deep breathing when in stressful situations. It is not always possible to go to a quiet place to meditate, so knowing how to reduce stress when things are chaotic will reduce the likelihood of stress eating, which leads to belly fat.
Use the notebook and pen to record information about caloric intake. It is easy to forget exactly how much has been eaten during the day if it is not recorded. The written log also lets you see where you can improve your diet.
Visit a website or a nutritionist to find out the best calorie range for your body. Know the minimum and maximum daily calories you should consume, and stay within the range.
Put on the walking shoes. Walk or do other aerobic exercise at a moderate pace for at least half an hour, four times per week.
Use things around the house, like soup cans or water bottles, as light weights. Strength train at least twice a week. Add a few targeted tummy strengthening exercises to your strength routine.
Discuss hormone therapy with your physician. Some physicians recommend HRT after menopause, but others, like Dr. Randolph of the Natural Hormone Institute of America, recommend bio-identical progesterone cream beginning at age 35.