How to Eat Six Times a Day & Lose Weight
Set a daily calorie goal. In order to lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you eat. To do this, set a goal for how many calories you'll eat in a day. Aim for around 1,300 to 1,500 calories to lose weight, though you should eat more if you are very active or breastfeeding.
Find the target calories per meal. The calories in each meal should all add up to fit within your daily calorie range. To do this, you can divide them so that you are eating the same amount at each meal or you can give yourself a higher calorie allotment for breakfast, lunch and dinner, with a smaller amount for your three snacks.
Eat low calorie healthy snacks. While you can purchase 100 calorie snack packs of junk food, these will often leave you hungry and unsatisfied. Instead, you're better off looking for a 100 to 200 calorie snack that will keep you fuller longer, such as cheese and crackers or an apple with peanut butter.
Pile your plate with vegetables. When limiting your calories to lose weight, you want to eat as much as possible while still keeping your calories low. Vegetables are an ideal way to do this. They are low calorie and filling. Start your meal with a large salad with a low calorie dressing. Choose a main dish that is based on vegetables, such as pasta primavera with more vegetables than pasta. When you do this, you can actually eat more food and lose weight.
Time your meals at regular intervals. The goal of eating small meals for weight loss is to keep your body full. Space your meals out based on the times that you are awake and working. For example, you may want to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and then have a midmorning, midafternoon and evening snack.