How to Burn Stomach Fat Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Diet plan
- Exercise plan
- Good carbohydrates
Give up the junk food. This is the best and worst part of getting rid of belly fat. The best part is that you are taking the necessary steps to change your life and get rid of that belly. The worse part is that you are going to have to give up the sweets and snacks because they are no longer a part of your new life of physical fitness. Once you have decided to change your mindset, you must stick with your plan. After throwing out the junk food, replace it with healthy stuff like yogurt, fruit and veggies.
Exercising/physical activity is a huge part of losing belly fat. Now that the junk food is in the waste can, it's time to put in the blood, sweat and tears. Exercising! Okay, so you're not used to exercising, but the great part is that just about everything you do physically is exercising. Try brisk walking, running or swimming at least 3 to 4 times a week. The goal is to attack the stomach area. Crunches will not be enough. Try exercises that work the waist as well.
Watch your carbohydrates. There is some debate about whether carbohydrates are good for you. The truth is that carbohydrates are essential, but there are good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates. Good carbohydrates are fruits and vegetables. Bad carbohydrates are white breads and pastas, because they cause bloating in the stomach. Try and eat as many of the good carbohydrates as possible. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and used to fuel the mind and body. The excess is stored as fat. What you want to do is train your body to use that excess fat for fuel. This is how you lose weight. This is why you should stay consistent with eating good carbohydrates and exercising.