Bodybuilding Diet for Fat Loss
According to an article in Max Sports and Fitness Magazine, protein is one of the key ingredients to a weight-loss diet. The common recommended daily amount of protein to aid in weight loss is 1 g per pound of body weight. Some excellent sources of protein are egg whites, chicken breast, turkey, fish, cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt, seafood and low or nonfat milk. For bodybuilders, it is important to get the recommended intake of protein and spread it out throughout the day. According to Aaron Dibona, a personal trainer at Fitworks, bodybuilders should have a pre-workout meal and a post-workout meal that include protein, in addition to their other meals.
Another important part of weight loss is eating the right carbohydrates. Max Sports and Fitness Magazine said the recommended amount of carbohydrates for weight loss per day is 1 to 1 1/2 g per pound of body weight. It says to be sure to eat "good carbohydrates," which include whole grains, oatmeal, wheat bread, rice, fruit, whole-wheat pasta, and more. "Be sure to carbohydrate-stack in the mornings but lessen your intake of carbohydrates throughout the day," Dibona said.
Other Diet Recommendations
Max Sports and Fitness Magazine suggests to avoid smoking, always eat breakfast, replace saturated fat intake (animal fat) with poly and monounsaturated fats), increase consumption of high-fiber plant-based foods (ex-fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, etc.), and to drink at least 1.4 gallons of water per day. When bodybuilders are lifting and working out, the body is burning more fuel and needs a higher intake of food and water. Dibona said some reasons to drink the proper amount of water are that it prevents constipation, maintains proper muscle tone by giving muscles the ability to contract, rids the body of waste, provides energy, and acts as an appetite suppressant and helps the body metabolize stored fat. These will all help aid in body-building weight loss.