How to Have a Flat Belly in a Week
Change your diet immediately. If you haven't done so already, eliminate sugar, foods that contain saturated fat, soda and fried food of any kind from your diet. Eat foods that are high in protein like almonds. Foods high in protein are helpful in terms of burning fat.
Consume more fruits and vegetables. Add dark green vegetables like broccoli and kale to your diet. If possible, try consuming your vegetables raw for maximum benefit. Cooking your vegetables leads to a loss of nutrients.
If you choose to eat meat, dine on lean cuts. Chicken breast and fish are leaner and contain less fat than other kinds of meat. In addition, potatoes, white rice and other foods that are high in carbohydrates should be avoided at all costs.
Eat more. You should ideally eat five or six small meals, rather than two or three big meals. Eating smaller portions more often will increase your metabolism thereby allowing you to burn calories faster.
Incorporate an aerobic routine into your schedule. Aerobic exercise is one of the best ways to help improve stamina, while sculpting your body at the same time. Remember, before undertaking exercise of any type you must stretch for at least 10 minutes prior to starting your workout.
Running, swimming, walking and cycling are examples of aerobic exercise. In some instances, it may be more convenient to pop a Tae Bo, Pilates or other workout DVD into your DVD player. If you want to flatten your belly in a week, it's a good idea to do at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, for a minimum of three days out of the week.
Add a weight training regimen to your workout. Weight training allows your body to burn calories faster, and add muscle to your frame. Add crunches to your routine to help tone your mid section.
You should alternate days between your aerobic and weight training routine. Do exercises that target your abdominal region, such as leg lifts and side crunches. Be careful not to overexert yourself. Limit yourself to three sets of eight to 12 reps of each exercise.
Drink plenty of water. Its extremely important that you keep your body properly hydrated. You should drink a bare minimum of eight glasses of water each day. Properly hydrating your body is an excellent way to boost your metabolism.