How to Get a Natural 6 Pack
Do cardiovascular exercise. Work out for at least 45 minutes, at 65 to 75 percent of your maximum heart rate, at least five days a week. You can calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. Cardiovascular exercise burns calories while you are moving and for up to two hours after. Working out at a moderate intensity, for at least 45 minutes, causes your body to tap into its fat stores for energy.
Work your abs like you would any other muscle. Your abs need to recover, just like any other muscle. Give yourself at least 48 hours of rest between ab sessions to allow the muscles to heal and become stronger.
Work other muscles. The more overall muscle mass you have, the higher your resting metabolism, the more calories and fat you burn. If you want a six-pack you need to work on your arms, chest and legs as well.
Eat fiber. Fiber adds bulk and helps you feel full faster. Adding bulky vegetables and whole grains to your meals helps you eat less and still feel satisfied.
Reduce fat. Fat is incredibly calorie dense. One gram of fat has nine calories, as compared to three calories from a gram of carbohydrates. No more than 30 percent of your calories should come from fat. Use low fat and non-fat substitutes or use smaller portions of full-fat foods.
Add lean proteins. Protein is a building block for muscle but many sources of protein are also high in fat. Use lean cuts of meat, like chicken breast, and avoid fast food and processed meats that may be high in fat and sodium.
Watch sodium consumption. The USDA recommends no more than 2000mg of sodium per day. The body needs sodium to maintain water balance and regulate chemical processes, but too much sodium can make you retain water in your tissues. Water retention can bloat the abdominal tissues and obscure the abs.
Watch portion sizes. It is possible to have too much of a good thing. Avoid overeating, even healthy foods, by being mindful of your portion sizes. You can use your hand to estimate the proper sizes for you. A potato, portion of rice or vegetables should be the size of your fist. A serving of meat should the size of the palm. A serving of cheese should be the size of your thumb. Resources, like the USDA's food guide pyramid, also list exact portion sizes.