How to Calculate Calories, Fat, & Saturated Fat to Lose Weight
It's also important to get the proper amount of nutrients. Many Americans take in far too many calories and far too few nutrients. Proper nutrition is essential for overall health.
Things You'll Need
- Calculator
Calculating Calories
If you are sedentary, multiply your current weight in pounds by 10 to calculate the daily calories needed to maintain your current weight. (Ref. 1.) If your activity level is low or you are over 55 years of age, multiply by your weight 13. If your activity level is moderate, multiply your weight by 15. If your activity level is high, multiply your weight by 18.
Subtract 500 calories from this total to find out the daily amount of calories you'll need to cut out in order to lose one pound of weight per week.
Factor in the amount of calories that you burn in cardiovascular activity in order to maintain a weight loss of one pound per week.
Losing one to two pounds per week is a safe level of weight loss. Therefore, your net calorie loss per day can be up to 1000 calories, but no more.
Calculating Fat and Saturated Fat
Multiply your weight loss calories (the total calories need to lose one pound of weight per week) by 0.20. This will give you the minimum amount of fat you should consume per day. (Ref. 2.)
Multiply your weight loss calories by 0.35 to get the maximum amount of fat you should consume per day. (Ref. 2.)
Divide your minimum amount of fat calories by nine. This is the minimum amount of fat in grams. (Ref. 3.)
Divide your maximum amount of fat calories by nine to get the maximum amount of fat in grams. (Ref. 3.)
Multiply your weight loss calories by 0.07. This is the maximum amount of saturated fat you should consume in a day. (Ref. 2.)
Divide your maximum amount of saturated fat calories by nine to get the maximum amount of saturated fat in grams. (Ref. 3.) Remember that saturated fat is part of your daily fat total.