Gag Reflex & Weight Loss
How Gagging Happens
When we put something in the back of the mouth and throat, nerves in these areas are stimulated. The brain interprets the signals from the nerves and concludes that the airway is going to be temporarily or permanently obstructed. The brain then sends signals to the muscles in the throat to contract so that food or another substance is pushed out of the throat and mouth and cannot lodge in the airway, or so that no more of the substance can enter the body. Because the nerves involved in gagging also are involved in swallowing, and since the brain associates swallowing with the stomach, the brain also sometimes sends a signal to the abdominal muscles to contract in order to cause vomiting and thereby rid the body of the invading substance it sees as a threat.
Weight Loss
If you gag often, you may end up eating and drinking far less than normal. As this happens, your body does not receive enough calories to sustain your weight, and you shed pounds as the body burns fat reserves to sustain physical processes.
Weight Amount
If you have a very high metabolism, then your body will use more energy to sustain physical processes than if your metabolism is low, so you may see more weight loss with gagging in a shorter amount of time. The amount of weight you lose also is affected by other factors such as the type of foods and drinks you consume, other physical conditions you may have and how often the gagging prevents you from eating and drinking.
Causes of gagging that can result in weight loss can be either physical or psychological. For instance, certain diseases like Down syndrome make gagging more likely. Because there is a connection between the "emotional" mind and the "physical" mind, the gag reflex also can be stimulated by just the fear of choking, or by a memory of a physical trauma.
Tips and Treatment
To a degree, you can train your body to react less strongly to the gag reflex. Find the point on the soft palate and throat where you feel like gagging, and then stimulate tissue further and further back over a few weeks. A topical, mild anesthetic applied to the palate area also may help; this method is used frequently by dentists. You may need medications or surgery to stop weight loss, depending on the physical cause of the gagging. Avoid taking large bites or gulping drinks. If gagging is psychologically caused, talk to a friend, family member or therapist to resolve underlying issues.