Six Day Diet to Lose Weight & Cleanse the Body
6 Day Mini Makeover
One popular diet that advertises itself as a six-day diet is the 6 Day Mini Makeover developed by Michael Thurmond. It is a variation of a low-carbohydrate diet that encourages frequent small meals throughout the day. This first six days is intended to be a springboard for his 6 Week Body Makeover plan where you gradually add high-quality carbohydrates back into your diet to see what level works for you. He encourages users of this plan to answer quiz questions to find out their particular body type so they can tailor their eating and exercise to get the most benefit. You can find his book at most book retailers, including There is also an online support community to find further information and encouragement while you follow the program (
6 Day Diet and Cleanse from India
Regardless which expert you read, most agree that vegetables should make up a large portion of your daily food intake. Vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and water your body needs and can easily metabolize. Most of the vegetable (and fruit) will be used by the body, and the insoluble fiber your body can't use helps to cleanse the colon to keep you healthy. You also need high quality protein and some complex carbohydrates in the form of whole grain. As a short term cleansing program to get you started on a better diet you can use the following plan for six days. You may feel nauseated or headachey for a day or two as your body uses this chance to flush toxins and adjust to lower sugar and starch intake.
Make a vegetable broth of the following ingredients: seven carrots, one bunch of celery, a handful of fresh parsley and spinach, and your choice of tomatoes, green peppers and/or garlic. In two quarts of water boil the first two ingredients for about fifteen minutes. Add the remaining ingredients and boil another ten minutes. Strain the liquid into a bowl or jar you can cover. This broth should last the whole day, and you will be drinking it throughout the diet. For breakfast each day you will have fruit and cottage cheese (no banana or avocado). Lunch consists of vegetable salad and broth with fresh fruit for dessert. For dinner you can have steamed vegetables, a slice of whole grain bread with butter and broth; fruit for dessert. If you get hungry you can have more broth or snack on fruit. A little milk at lunch is okay, otherwise drink tea or water. Remember, after using one of these short term diets you need to begin eating a healthier, veggie-rich diet to keep the weight off or continue losing.