Quickest Way to Lose a Gut
Cut Calories
When you cut calories, you naturally lose weight and that includes the bulge around your stomach. Most people have a gut because fat settles around their stomach before moving onto other areas of the body. The quickest way to lose a gut is to cutback on the amount of calories you eat. This includes cutting the amount of alcohol you drink because most alcoholic drinks, including beer and wine, are just empty calories. You might even notice that you snack more when drinking, especially with friends. If you reduce your calorie consumption by just 500 calories a day, you will lose one pound in a week. Skipping just one sugary coffee drink a day can significantly help.
Sleep More
Adults need around eight hours of sleep a day, but many get much less. With work, family life and personal obligations, you might only get six hours of sleep a night, or four. When you feel less rested, you are likely to workout and find the energy to perform daily activities. The more sleep you have, the better rested you feel. People who get less than four hours of sleep are also more likely to be obese and have a large stomach. If you have problems falling asleep at night, try jotting down notes on a notebook you keep by the bed, instead of constantly worrying. You should also cutback on alcohol as this can make falling asleep harder. Remember to only use the bed for sleeping. Avoid watching television, reading a book or eating in your bed as this can make it harder for your body to wind down at night.
To lose a gut quickly, you need to add exercise. The best thing to do is workout at least three times a week for thirty minutes or more at a time. Cardio is one of the best types of exercise because it works your entire body at one time and burns more calories than strength or weight training. Cardio also helps you tone up your body and lose that gut. Additionally, you can target your stomach and abdominal muscles by doing exercises that work that area of the bottom such as torso rolls and stomach rotations. Work those muscles on the days you don't use cardio and before long, your gut will be history.