Antibiotics & Weight Loss
Antibiotic-free diet
Some studies show that antibiotics can cause humans to retain fat. Farmers consistently give antibiotics to cows because doing so alters their hormones so that their bodies retain fat. As a result, farmers are able to sell larger animals. It is this same philosophy that leads some researchers to believe that antibiotics can keep people from losing weight. To ensure that weight-loss efforts are not inhibited by the consumption of antibiotics, people trying to lose weight should only eat foods that are organic and hormone free. Additionally, prescription antibiotics should only be used when absolutely necessary and as prescribed by a physician.
Antibiotic alternatives
Generally, physicians prescribe antibiotics only when necessary. However, patients can inquire about alternatives so that taking antibiotics does not derail their attempts at weight loss. For example, patients diagnosed with heart murmurs have been instructed for years to take antibiotics before having their teeth cleaned. Both physicians and dentists now believe that such treatment isn't necessary in cases of minor heart murmurs. The same is true for ear infections; many studies now show that ear infections in adults will heal without antibiotics. People trying to lose weight should always ask their doctor if there are alternatives to a course of antibiotics.
Probiotic supplements
Should it become necessary to take a course of antibiotics, supplementing with probiotics is an effective way to guard against gaining weight. The benefit of antibiotics is that they work to kill the bacteria that are causing an infection. The negative side effect is the increased production of yeast. Usually, the body's healthy bacteria will keep the yeast at manageable levels, but when a patient is taking antibiotics, these healthy bacteria are destroyed along with the infectious bacteria. Studies show that this increased level of yeast can cause cravings for sugary and starchy foods. By taking probiotics supplements, people trying to lose weight can keep the yeast at normal levels, which will help curb cravings for foods that cause weight gain.
Many nutrition experts believe that antibiotics cause people to gain weight. This belief applies both to antibiotics present in food and those prescribed by physicians. Avoiding antibiotics when possible, and supplementing with probiotics when antibiotics are necessary, can help people reach their weight-loss goals.