Low-Fat Diet, Exercise & Weight Loss
Plan with Goals
Write your goals down on paper, including amount of weight you want to drop and even the inches you wish to lose. Keeping a diary of weight loss each week will inspire you to stick with your diet and weight-loss plan. Weigh yourself each week, and measure your waist, hips and anywhere else you want to trim down.
Diets Do Work
The most important part of your diet and exercise program is that you like the foods you eat and enjoy your workout plan. Selecting foods that are low in saturated fat, calories and high in vitamins, minerals and fiber, will work well. Include a lot of variety each day to avoid boredom. Be liberal with seasonings and create tasty dishes. Give yourself a treat once a week, so you do not feel deprived of a favorite food.
Fruits, Vegetables and Carbohydrates
Pick out the brightest color vegetables and fruits for good health. Most produce contains little if any fat. Saute peppers, onions, bean sprouts and broccoli with water and seasonings, and add 1 tbsp, of olive oil when completed. Whole-grain pasta, bread and cereal have very little fat and are very filling. Read the labels for fat content, sodium and preservatives. Fruit makes a wonderful dessert or snack throughout the day, and it satisfies your sweet tooth.
Protein and Dairy Selections
Cook skinless chicken breasts, turkey, fish, seafood and tofu, which are naturally low in fat. Experiment with creative recipes including both protein and vegetables. Broiling and barbecuing are tasty ways to fix these low-fat proteins. Limit your red meat to a small portion of 3 oz. once or twice a week, and select low-fat cuts. Enjoy low-fat dairy products such as yogurt, cottage cheese and skim milk. Egg white scramble is delicious with sprinkled parmesan cheese and spinach.
Amount of Exercise
How much exercise do you need to do to lose weight? According to the American College of Sports Medicine, you will need to put in at least four hours per week to lose a significant amount of weight. You will need to keep this up not to regain your weight. The organization also suggests weight training along with your aerobic exercise to build muscles.
Exercise Choices
Gyms have a wide selection of equipment, including stationary bicycles, treadmills and elliptic machines. They generally offer classes in aerobics both high- and low-impact, Pilates and yoga. Ride your bicycle, or take a brisk walk if weather permits. If you enjoy working out in the privacy of your home, purchase a treadmill, have on hand exercise balls, jump ropes and free weights. Many aerobic videos are available that you can exercise with when time permits. Along with weight loss and getting in shape, working out is a great mood elevator.