How to Get Rid of Fat Between Chest & Underarms
With proper nutrition, you can get rid of fat from your whole body, which will include your gut. You can also do exercises that will specifically affect the muscles of your chest and arms, which will make that area appear trimmer.
Get Regular Cardio Exercise
Get a 20- to 30-minute cardiovascular workout three days per week.
Aim for moderate exertion while working out. This means you've broken a sweat but you're not breathing too hard for normal conversation.
Start small. A 20-minute walk around the block still burns more calories than 20 minutes of watching television.
Work out with a buddy if possible. This helps keep you motivated and provides for safety in an emergency.
Record your workouts in your journal. Keeping track of progress is a great motivator.
Work Out Chest and Arms
The simplest workout for the chest and arms is the simple push up. Lie face down on the ground, feet together. Place your hands, palms flat to either side of your shoulders. Keeping your body rigid, push yourself up until your arms are fully extended. Slowly let yourself back down. When your body is about 1 inch from the ground, push yourself back up.
If you find that doing standard push ups is too difficult in the beginning, try wall presses. A wall press is just like a push up, but against a wall. Stand with your feet about two feet from the wall, leaning against the wall on your hands. Extend and release your arms as you do for standard pushups.
Start by doing 15 push ups in three sets of five, resting one minute between sets. Add two repetitions per set per week (i.e., a total of 21 push ups the following week and 27 the week after) until you start having to pause during the last set.
Do your pushups three days a week, on the days you're not doing cardio. This makes a total of six workouts per week, with one day off.
Listen to your body. If you start to feel pain, ease off. If you're very sore the next morning, back down on your next workout, but some easy stretches will help, even if you don't complete a full workout.
See to Your Diet
Use a calorie calculator to determine how many calories you take in each day. You can find a good calorie calculator in the Resources section of this article.
Track your diet, aiming to reduce your caloric intake by 200 to 300 calories per day. This is a reasonable amount for sustainable weight loss.
Aim to maximize the effectiveness of your calories. Avoid sweets and sugars while focusing on fruits, vegetables and sufficient protein.
Allow yourself one day off per week. On that day, don't go crazy but do allow yourself a sweet treat and/or larger meal than usual.
Record your calorie totals in your journal, leaving out your one day off. What happens on free-eating day stays on free-eating day.