What Is Better to Lose Weight: Walking Outside or on the Treadmill?
Level of Challenge
Walking outdoors provides a greater level of challenge on many fronts. Outside, you have to contend with wind resistance. There also is unpredictability of the course, such as dips in the road, people and obstacles in your path, which may call for you to stop and start suddenly, or make side-to-side movements. There are changes in terrain, which may alternate between concrete, grass, gravel, dirt or sand. And there is the need to sometimes manage upward and downward inclines. The range of challenges to your muscles makes for a more dynamic workout than what you can simulate on a treadmill. However, the level of control you have with a treadmill not only reduces the risk of injury, but can also be more demanding with respect to the consistency of speed you're pressed to maintain. Outside, you naturally speed up or slow down, based on the variables you encounter. The only way to cheat the speed on a treadmill is to hold onto the bars.
It's a matter of personal taste. For some people it's easier to take their mind off the effort they're exerting when they work out on a treadmill because they can watch TV, listen to music or even read. They also don't have to deal with the elements outdoors. Indoors on a treadmill, weather is non-factor. You don't have to be concerned with allergies being aggravated, and the time of day you choose to work out is irrelevant. This may be preferable for some people. For other people, the consistency of exercising on a treadmill may translate to monotony. Some favor the fresh air of outdoors, the difference in scenery and the constant changes encountered throughout the course. The question is which scene holds more appeal to you? Which will you be more inclined to actually do on a regular basis? Because it doesn't really matter which method is technically most effective if you're less inclined to follow through.
Calorie Expenditure
So which is the more effective calorie burner, outdoor walking or a treadmill? Studies vary. Some suggest that by raising the treadmill incline 1 percent to compensate for resistance factor, you get an outdoor workout, coupled with the consistent speed offered on the treadmill. You probably burn more calories on a treadmill than outdoors because you tend to run faster longer. Other suggest that the greater range of challenges encountered outdoors makes it a more effective calorie burner. The difference, however, is nominal. Greater consideration should be given to the level of challenge and enjoyment that best meets your needs and tastes.
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