Most Effective Way to Get Rid of Love Handles
Assess what you drink
One scientifically-tested liquid is known to fight belly fat. It's either free or found in any store. This beverage is so versatile you can add several flavors in it to enhance the taste. In case you haven't guessed, water is this miracle liquid known to fight belly fat.
The book "Fit Not Fat at 40-plus" explains that drinking water on a regular basis will fight food cravings, flush out toxins and increases the breakdown of fat cells. Special "vitamin water" is not necessary, either. In many cases, "fitness waters" only add sugar and calories. Add lemon juice or a small amount of fruit juice to enhance the taste of water if necessary.
Analyze what you drink, and substitute soda with water. If you do not drink much of any fluid throughout the day, start carrying a water bottle with you.
Grab the gym bag
Hitting the gym is a successful way to combat love handles. Use exercise equipment geared towards the stomach, like exercise balls and torso weight machines.
An exercise ball allows you to do sit-ups without applying pressure on your back. Without arching your back and your feet placed firmly on the floor, lay comfortably on the ball. Perform a normal sit up. To work the love handles area, rotate your torso to one side as you rise, hold the position for three seconds, and return to normal as you lay back down on the ball. Perform 10 sit ups per side.
The book "AbsSmart Fitness Plan" recommends one exercise called the elevated corkscrew. Lay on the floor on your back with you palms facing down. Lift your legs off the ground, keeping them straight as possible. Rotate your legs gently towards the right, hold for two seconds, and turn back to the starting position. Slowly lower your legs. Repeat and rotate your legs to the left instead of the right.
Choose healthy snacks
Snacks can pack pounds faster than any meal, as the calories from snacks can accumulate throughout the day without you really knowing. The type of snack you eat is especially important. Most vending machines offer foods like cookies and potato chips, which can be loaded with refined sugar. "Forever Young Diet and Lifestyle" explains that these refined sugars cause people difficulty in the midsection.
Snacking is not a bad thing, but the right snacks must be chosen. Opt for fruit if craving something sweet, and eat lightly roasted nuts if craving something salty. While nuts may have more calories and fat than "100-calorie snack bags," nuts provide good-for-you fats that actually help you lose weight. In addition, nuts are filling and will leave you satisfied for longer than cookies, chips and popcorn.