How to Get the Attitude to Lose Weight
How to get the right attitude to lose weight
Meet with a dietitian to discuss your weight-loss goals. A dietitian can devise a weekly meal plan that includes foods you like, while allowing you to still lose weight. Coming to a compromise with your nutritionist will make you less likely to stray from the path of a healthy diet.
Develop a routine by regularly exercising and eating healthy. After you become accustomed to this lifestyle change, instead of craving unhealthy foods, you will begin to crave the opposite. Once you begin to lose weight, you will be inspired by your new image, making you less likely to revert to your old, unhealthy patterns.
Do your research. Read as many diet and weight-loss articles as possible. There are also many books you can read on weight loss. Examples of reputable weight loss books are "365 Ways to Get Out the Fat," by the American Heart Association, and "Eat, Drink and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating," by Walter C. Willett, MD, and P.J. Skerrett. (Ref. 1.)
Surround yourself with friends and family members who support your weight-loss goals. Those who are negative or overweight themselves may be jealous of your decision to lose weight. They are liable to make negative remarks about your goal to lose weight. Spend more time with friends who enjoy exercising and who eat healthy. Not only will they inspire you, but you may even find a new workout buddy in the process.
Join a support group. Groups such as Weight Watchers or Overeaters Anonymous offer the encouragement you may not find from friends and family. By surrounding yourself with others in the same situation, you are more likely to succeed in losing weight.
Picture yourself healthy. Buy a fitness magazine such as Women's Health or Men's Health and cut out images of healthy-looking bodies that inspire you. Post inspirational quotes around your home or workspace. For example: "Nothing tastes as good as being healthy and full of energy feels." (Ref. 2.)