Low-Calorie Food that Satisfies the Brain
Proteins help you feel more full, and they encourage fat-burning. Lean meats,egg whites, beans, chicken and fish all work. Keep meats simple and grilled, avoiding gravy, sauce and seasonings.
Water and Water-Based Foods
Foods with a high content of water help you feel full longer. Water-based foods include: fruits and vegetables (80 to 95 percent water content), hot cereal (85 percent), boiled eggs (75 percent), pasta (65 percent), fish and seafood (60 to 85 percent), meats (45 to 55 percent), bread (35 to 40 percent), cheese (35 percent) and nuts (2-5 percent).
Water by itself can be an appetite suppressant, and is recommended to drink several 8-once glasses a day. Besides keeping you hydrated, water will keep your body functioning properly.
Fruits and Vegetables
Snacking on something crunchy, such as apples or carrots, can trick to brain into feeling more full. And fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and nutrients, as opposed to processed foods.
Soup has long been a diet trick that provides your body with adequate nutrients and keeps you feeling full. Stick with vegetable-based soups, and avoid those with heavy cream.
Adding fiber to your diet helps satisy hunger. Fiber-rich foods include beans, whole-grain bread, brown rice, seeds and berries.