The Best Ways to Fight Belly Fat
Eat foods that are low in fat, especially saturated fats. Eat a lot more fruits, vegetables and lean meat. Do not eat a lot of starchy foods such as breads and pastas. You do not need to eliminate starches altogether, just eat them less often and in smaller portions.
Drink a lot of water. Water helps to flush toxins out of your body. It also contains no calories. Eliminate soda from your diet altogether. Do not order it with your meal when you go out to eat, which is the easiest place to drink soda. Restaurant foods are often high in salt, which then makes you thirsty, causing you to drink more. When the waitress keeps bringing you glasses of soda, you lose track of how much you actually partake.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, exercising is the best way to lose any type of body fat.
You do not need to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on all the machines that promise faster weight loss. Just get up and move; Take more walks. Park a little further from the store entrance and walk the extra distance. Get a pedometer and put it on when you get dressed in the morning. Take note of how far you walk in a normal day. Make an effort to walk a little more the next day.Old-fashioned sit-ups are the best exercise to tone your belly. Here again, do not buy the machines that promise weight loss. There is no substitute for doing an actual sit-up. If a machine promises to make sit-ups easier, then you are probably not working the muscles as you should be.
Other exercises that help are any type of cardiovascular work, running or swimming.
Boost Metabolism
Boosting your metabolism helps burn more calories, which in turn, helps you to lose more belly fat. Make sure to exercise, even just a little bit, every day. Eat smaller meals five times a day instead of eating three large meals. Make sure to eat the meals at regular intervals.
Build up muscles with strength training. Muscles burn more calories than fat so the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn while doing nothing.
Skipping meals slows down metabolism. Do not think that skipping meals is helpful in losing weight. In fact, it works the opposite.