How to Get Rid of Stubborn Fat From Your Legs
Things You'll Need
- Low-fat protein
- Low-fat dairy
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Whole grains
- Legumes
- Water
- Exercise equipment (optional)
- Doctor (for medical advice)
Follow a healthy, low-salt diet. A healthy diet is the foundation for weight loss. No matter how much you exercise, you will not lose weight unless you are expending more calories than you take in. Foods to include in a healthy diet are low-fat protein, whole grains, low-fat dairy, vegetables, fruits, legumes and heart-healthy oils. Avoid processed foods, which contain preservatives and salt and may cause bloating in the legs. Foods such as canned soup, pickles, potato chips and most condiments contain high amounts of salt. Check the backs of food labels to find out how much salt is contained in the food. The American Heart Association recommends adults should consume less than 2,400 milligrams per day.
Weight-train three times a week. When you regularly perform exercises such as squats, lunges, leg lifts and calf raises, the fat in your legs will begin to transform into muscle. Your legs will appear leaner and more toned. The best way to begin a weight training regime is by enlisting the help of a personal trainer, who can teach you proper techniques for optimum results, as well as safety.
Participate in high-intensity cardiovascular exercise for at least 45 minutes, four to five times per week. Exercises that focus on legs include sprinting, running or jogging, interval training (repeated, continuous switching from high- to low-intensity exercise), and cycling. If you cannot physically perform these exercises, you may benefit from activities that have a lower impact on your joints, such as using an elliptical trainer or jumping on a mini trampoline.
Incorporate more walking into your everyday life. Activities such as walking the dog, walking to the store instead of driving and mowing the lawn can all help to speed up the weight loss process in your legs.