The Best Way a Woman Can Lose 20 Pounds
The most important thing to remember when trying to lose weight and improve your figure is to eat a healthy diet. If you are working out every day, but eating a bad diet, you will not see the results that you necessarily deserve. However, if you do not work out as often as you should and consume a healthy diet, you will most likely see a loss in weight and body fat. Therefore, the most important aspect of losing weight is having a healthy diet. One good way to improve your diet is to spread out your meals more evenly throughout the day. Instead of eating only three fairly large meals per day, it is better to eat four or five smaller meals. You will still consume the same amount of calories; however, you will feel less hungry throughout the day and will avoid energy highs and lows.
Another important thing to remember when changing your diet is to eat more natural foods. Eating foods with low preservatives and high in nutrition will give you good calories that your body can use for energy. Things like proteins that are low in fat or fruits and vegetables should make up the majority of your diet. Try staying away from carbohydrates unless you are in need of more energy for something like playing a sport. If you apply the correct diet with the correct exercise, losing 20 pounds can take as little as two months.
Exercise Routine
Many women want that strong sleek-looking physique and not a large bulky look like men are trying to achieve. This can be reached, but first you need to shed the extra fat off your body. Before you begin weight lifting routines that will make you more "cut" and give you the six-pack abdominals and muscular definition, you must focus on losing large amounts of calories. The best way to do this is by doing a heavy amount of cardiovascular exercise. At least a half hour every day of either riding a bike at a fast steady pace or jogging at a solid pace will be the best workout for someone who is trying to shed fat. Because you are getting your heart beat up, your body needs energy to burn and will use the stored fat as its energy. If you get bored with these running routines or biking routines after a while, you can do things like sprint for a minute and then light jog for a minute. This will confuse your body that will allow you to lose more calories. Anything that gets your heartbeat high and your body sweating will be good for weight loss. You can also experiment with something like aerobics classes or spinning classes.