How to Get Rid of Fat From Your Gut
The idea that you can lose fat from a particular part of the body (a technique called Spot Reduction) is a myth. However, by following the steps below you can lose weight from your whole body while building structure in your abdomen.
Things You'll Need
- Calorie counter
- Journal
- Bathroom Scale
- Tape Measure
Eat Right
Aim to maximize the effectiveness of your calories while dieting. Avoid sweets and sugars while focusing on fruits, vegetables and sufficient protein.
Use a calorie calculator to determine how many calories you take in each day.
Track your diet, aiming to reduce your caloric intake by 200 to 300 calories per day. This is a reasonable amount for sustainable weight loss.
Allow yourself one day off per week. On that day, don't go crazy but do allow yourself a sweet treat and/or larger meal than usual.
Record your calorie totals in your journal, leaving out your one day off. What happens on free-eating day stays on free-eating day.
Exercise Routine
Get a 20- to 30-minute cardiovascular workout three non-consecutive days per week.
Get a 10- to 20-minute abdominal workout on alternate days.
Take one day off per week to allow your body to rest. Many people like to combine this with their day off from dieting.
Track your workouts in your journal.
Track and Celebrate Progress
Weigh yourself on the bathroom scale and record the results once per week.
Measure your waistline and record the results once per week.
Set goals for yourself (such as pounds or inches lost), and reward yourself when you accomplish them.