Ear Magnets for Weight Loss
Ear magnets are placed on certain parts of the ear that are said to be associated with organs that control bodily function, according to Earreflexology.com. For instance, placing a small magnet on the part of the ear linked to the endocrine system would increase metabolism.
Using ear magnets for weight loss requires wearing the magnets for 30 to 60 minutes a day--sometimes even multiple magnets on different sectors of the ear--during a single treatment, reports EarReflexology. You will need to place magnets on both ears because of differing sensitivity between the left and right ears. Typical treatment cycles last six weeks with two-week breaks in between.
If ear magnets successfully curb weight gain, the public would reap several health benefits. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control show that America has an obesity epidemic. As of 2008, only Colorado had an obesity rate of less than 20 percent. In 76 percent of all states, at least one-fourth of the population is overweight, with six states climbing over 30 percent.
In addition to weight loss, the power of magnetism has been touted to cure other significant ailments such as arthritis, cancer and HIV/AIDS. The Federal Trade Commission advises that these treatments have no scientific backing for their claims. The Food and Drug Administration has not approved any magnetic earring products for weight loss.
The Office of the Surgeon General of the United States says that you can effectively lose weight without having to purchase products such as ear magnets by eating right and exercising regularly. You can determine if you are overweight using the Body Mass Index calculation. Divide your weight in pounds by your height in inches squared, and then multiply that by 703. A normal BMI falls between 19 and 24.