Diet for One Thousand Calories a Day

Taking in fewer calories than you expend results in weight loss. The amount of calories you need on a daily basis depends on your activity level, current weight, genetics and fat-to-muscle ratio. A diet of 1,000 calories a day is extremely low, regardless of these factors. It may lead to rapid weight loss, if followed very thoughtfully for only a very short time.
  1. Every Calorie Counts

    • Make every calorie as nutritious as possible. A 1,000-calorie-a-day diet does not leave room for extra sugars, processed white carbohydrates, alcohol or soda. Consume whole grains, very lean proteins and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Whole wheat toast, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, dark leafy greens, broccoli, roasted skinless chicken breast and fish make satisfying, nutrient-dense choices while on a 1,000-calorie a day diet.


    • Keep your diet balanced. Avoid cutting out complete macro-nutrient groups like all carbohydrates, proteins or fats. You need all of these to keep your body functioning properly. Each meal will best satisfy you if it contains the United States Agriculture Department's recommended ratio of 55 to 65 percent carbohydrates, 10 to 20 percent protein and 25 to 35 percent fat. Meal options include three egg whites scrambled with a slice of whole grain toast, 2 to 3 oz of skinless chicken breast over a large green salad with lemon juice, or a banana with a tablespoon of peanut butter.

    Eat Regularly

    • Do not skip meals. Skipping meals leads to drops in blood sugar and low energy. Skipping also leaves you vulnerable to binging at your next meal. Four or five snack-sized meals of about 200-300 calories each, evenly spaced throughout the day, will keep your stomach satisfied and your energy level stable.

    Limit Activity

    • Avoid rigorous physical activity. Adding a high-intensity exercise routine to an extremely low-calorie diet only saps your energy further. Exercising with little energy leaves you more vulnerable to injury as fatigue makes your form sloppy. Extremely low calories and exercise also cause your body to eat away at lean muscle mass because your body will reach anywhere to find the fuel it needs to keep going.

    Limit Your Dieting Time

    • Stick to a 1,000-calorie-a-day diet for only a few days. Eating a diet so low in calories inevitably causes deficiencies in specific nutrients and a suppressed immune system. The low energy you will likely experience on this diet may affect your mood, your job and your social interactions. A long-term commitment to 1,000 calories a day can cause amenorrhea, hair loss, dry skin and depression.

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