How to Convert Kcal to Calories Burned

Multiply the number of kcals by 1,000 to obtain calories burned.

The kcal unit of energy is by definition 1,000 energy calories. The "k" prefix stands for kilogram.

Do not confuse this definition of the kcal used to measure energy with the kcal used to measure food calories in the U.S., in which case one kcal equals one food calorie. Energy calories are typically denoted by a lowercase "c," while food calories use an uppercase "c."


  1. Convert Kcals to Calories Burned

    • 1

      Write down or enter into a calculator the number of kcals. Example: 1.5 kcals

    • 2

      Multiple the number of kcals by 1,000. Example: 1.5 kcals multiplied by 1,000.

    • 3

      The result of this calculation is the number of calories. For example, 1.5 kcals multiplied by 1,000 equals 1,500 calories.

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