How Does an Obese Person Get Fit?

Today, one in three Americans is obese, and the problem continues to reach epidemic proportions. And it's just not adults who are experiencing problems associated with being obese. Kids are developing high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure earlier and earlier. If you are obese you can get fit, though, and decrease your health risks while adding extra years to your life. As always, consult your family doctor before starting any new exercise routine.
  1. Get Active

    • The first step toward getting fit is getting active. Tackling a marathon your first week is unnecessary and completely unrealistic. But little things add up, such as walking to the mailbox instead of driving up to it or parking one extra space farther away from the store.

    Skip the Gym

    • Many obese people are too self-conscious to work out at the gym, but there are DVDs designed especially for them to do in the privacy of their own home. Try Richard Simmons for aerobic workouts or Leslie Sansone for a walk-at-home program.

    Take a Ride

    • Get a stationary bike or a portable pedaler. Not only do you get a low-impact workout while sitting, but you can also catch up on the news or watch your favorite sitcom while doing it. That makes the time go by quicker, and makes exercising seem like less of a chore.

    Try Isometrics

    • A form of strength training, isometrics are low-impact exercises done at a slow pace--a good benefit for obese people who often have joint and breathing problems. And one of the best things about them is that most of the exercises can be done in a seated position.

    Buy a Pedometer

    • These small devices are relatively inexpensive, clip right on to your waistband or belt and count the number of steps you take while wearing them. Shoot for one more step than the previous day and, before you know it, you'll be feeling more fit and looking for other ways to increase your daily total.

    Test the Waters

    • Just as with a gym, obese people may not want to be seen in a bathing suit. But if you have a private option or have already lost some weight and are searching for other alternatives, swimming is an excellent choice. Stress to joints is significantly reduced, as is the chance for injury.

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