How to Find My Body Type for Weight Loss

Weight loss is an admirable goal, but some people have more trouble than others losing weight. If you're one of those who have trouble losing unwanted weight, you may benefit from knowing your body type. Knowing your body type will help with a specific plan for you. Body types fall into three categories: mesomorph, endomorph and ectomorph.

Things You'll Need

  • Mirror
  • Tape Measure
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      Look in a mirror to determine where your weight is on your body. The Mesomorph is a naturally lean, muscular body, equally proportioned on top and bottom. The endomorph gains weight easily and is divided into either having a pear shape (weight more below the waist on the hips and thighs) or an apple shape (35 inch waist or over for women or 40 inch or over for men). The ectomorph is naturally lean and thin--sometimes fragile--and has difficulty gaining weight.

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      Use the tape measure and measure your chest, waist (at bellybutton level) and hips (around fullest part of buttocks). Mesomorphs have almost equal chest and hip measurements, with waist falling below these two measurements. Endomorphs gain weight easily. Their waist is typically much larger than their chest and hips. Ectomorphs have the most trouble gaining muscle mass, and their measurements are usually equal. .

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      Use the mirrored image and measurements to determine your body type and use the following as a starting point for weight loss. All three body types must follow a healthy eating plan. Mesomorphs will usually have a greater intake of proteins and complex carbohydrates to allow for muscle buildup. Endomorphs will typically follow a low-fat, low-carbohydrate and/or low-calorie eating plan. Ectomorphs will eat a more high-fat and high-carbohydrate diet, to allow for healthy weight gain.

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