Diets for Adults in Their 30s
Dieting Selection
Choose a diet type to which you are most likely to adhere. While there is constant disagreement over which diet type is "best" (low-fat, low-carb, high-protein), the truth of the matter is that the best diet is the one you are most likely to stick to religiously for at least 12 to 16 weeks. Do not make the mistake of going along with the crowd, selecting a fad diet that you know you have no chance of sticking to--pick something with which you have had previous success or something that you know is right for your situation.
Dieting Compliance
Understand that the key to successful dieting has little to do with the type of diet you select. What is much more relevant is what types of foods you are eating while on the diet plan. Aim to consume as many natural food sources as possible. This means avoiding processed foods, sugars, white flour items and other "junk" foods while on the diet. In lieu of these items, your diet should consist of little more than fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and healthy unsaturated fats, regardless of what diet type you have chosen to pursue. Sticking to natural food sources and eschewing man-made foods will allow you to lose weight gradually and naturally. As you are already in your 30s, you have far less leeway for consuming "cheat" meals and other junk foods, so it is best to reprogram your lifestyle now to prevent the possibility of future illness from poor dietary choices.