How to Lose Weight After 45
Things You'll Need
- Proper fitness gear
Monitor caloric intake. Since your metabolism is operating at a slower rate, you won't need as many calories as you did when you were younger. Take a close look at what you're eating and eliminate any empty calories, such as sugary drinks, alcohol, candy, butter, and many processed foods. Foods with empty calories have very little nutritional value. Allow occasional treats but don't overindulge.
Keep moving. Lower metabolic rates mean you don't burn as many calories as you once did. More than ever, it is important to make movement a part of your life. Activity of any kind is better than no activity at all. For example, you can choose not to use the television remote or you can walk to a nearby business instead of driving.
Work with weights. Muscle and bone loss are common with age. One activity that helps stave off these changes is lifting weights. You don't need to become a bodybuilder but you should incorporate a program of lifting weights into your schedule. Start light and do it to music to add some flair.
Engage in aerobic exercise. Exercise makes you feel better, and aerobic exercise is good for heart and lung conditioning. If you haven't been active, begin with an exercise regimen that won't be too difficult. Walking is perhaps the best and easiest of exercises and it's great for beginners. After you've been exercising for a few weeks, you might want to try mowing the lawn, vacuuming, low-impact or water aerobics, ballroom dancing, hiking, or biking.
Practice flexibility. Flexibility becomes more important with age because joints tend to stiffen up over the years. Yoga or basic stretching routines will help your body resist tension and tightness, making it easier to exercise.