Medical Weight Loss Clinics in America
Medi-Weightloss Clinics
One type of weight loss clinic in America is the Medi-Weightloss Clinic. According to their website, they have physician supervised programs that include monitoring of food intake, counseling and exercise programs. Patients lose approximately five to 10 pounds the first week and up to 20 pounds in the first month of being on the program. Patients are required to attend an initial consultation with the doctor and undergo a complete physical that includes a full blood panel and review of current medical conditions.
Virtual Clinics
Another form of medical weight loss clinics in America is the Medical Weight Loss Virtual Clinic. In this program, clients sign up via the Internet and work with a licensed doctor to evaluate their weight loss needs. Regular video conferencing meetings are scheduled with the doctor, counseling sessions and monitoring of progress takes place, all over the Internet. Medical Weight Loss Virtual Clinics claim that their programs are convenient, private and encourage individuals to find their own best weight loss exercise programs and diet plans.
Lindora Clinics
Lindora Clinics is a comprehensive weight loss program that can be accessed by a variety of different methods. According to their website, a person can utilize their services by going directly to a traditional Lindora Clinic or signing up for their online program. Lindora program are medically supervised and include counseling and guided diet recommendations that can be followed using their prepackaged food program. Lindora programs are found in Southern California, where there are 35 clinic locations to choose from.
Medifast Weight Loss Clinics
One of the weight loss programs that are located around the entire country are Medifast Weight Loss Clinics. According to their website, Medifast Weight Loss Clinics are a medically supervised weight loss program that takes a multifocal approach to weight loss. Clients work closely with medical doctors who specialize in bariatric treatments and the science of weight loss. The clinics have their own ADA-approved food program to jump start weight loss that is expected to range between two and five pounds per week or approximately 10 to 20 pounds per month. As clients begin to reach their goal weight, clients are placed on a program to educate them about healthy food choices and how to maintain their successful weight loss.
International Metabolic Institute
According to their website, the International Metabolic Institute is a medically supervised weight loss program that is specifically geared at individuals with significant weight loss and obesity issues. Their programs are directed at individuals with thyroid and diabetes. Doctors who are part of their program are specialists with these issues and are members of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. The IMI program includes a complete physical evaluation, supervised diet plan and supervised fitness program. This program is located in Reno, Nevada.